How Can Your Relationship Survive Your Business
We run this course each year for the very reason of learning how to negotiate and navigate the challenge of difference, in relationships, marriages, partnerships, friendships, and the effect it will have on your business.
Navigating our primary relationship with our most significant person in our life is not easy it is essential.
Some of the issues we will discuss are:
- Appreciating difference and using it to our advantage. When the two become one, the best one the two become is the best of bothe of who we are.
- How to extend grace and mercy when expectations are broke befor they are spoken.
- How to read and know your partners love language and how to truly appreciate them
- What does effective listening and communication look like?
- How do we act and conflict and how will that affect our oneness?
And many other topics. Each couple who attends will receive a Prepare Enrich profile with their partner. This is an independent assessment of the two of you and allows you to have more insight into how you are going at this point in time and what are some of the important things you could work on in your relationship to help you grow personally, grow to appreciate each other more and take your relationship to a new level where you can really Planalife you really want to live in
If you are married, on your wedding day you made an unconditional promise to an imperfect person! How are you going living out that promise.
So many people I have coached in this space of understanding relationships in light of working together or even being in a relationship with someone else who is in business think that they are the only one who must be struggling with this. The reality is we are all struggling and need support and reminders about how we can do it better.
If you a newbie and this is your first time to attend this course - please register. If you are a veteran and have done the course before or been in business a long time, there is new content every year and I am positive you will take something away.
Our cost for the course is minimal at $110 (incl GST) which is mostly the cost of the profile. I am very passionate about this as I want to see people who are passionate giving into their business for the sake of relationship and family success receive the reward and benefit of all their hard work and not just grow rich enough to afford their own divorce.
This course is for you if:
- you are in business together
- you are in a relationship where your partner is in business
- you are considering being in business, or
- you are in a relationship
I am so confident it will help you that I offer a full refund to attendees who think I am a load of croc!
We have seen hundreds of marriages, partnerships and relationships change when people start to approach issues from a new paradigm and a new perspective.
I love to help people Planalife they want to live in through a Business on Purpose”™
So, if you you are ready to enjoy your business and relationship hop on board.
Register today! Remember there is no pleasure in procrastination!
Reserve Your Place
BOP Workshop: How Can Your Relationship Survive Your Business