Celebrate and Separate

Today I'm sharing with you a brilliant exercise that I go through each year with our coaching clients.

What is it you want to CELEBRATE and what is it you want to SEPARATE from this year?

There are certain times in our year that we get to draw a line in the sand and decide what it is we are taking forward, and what it is we are pruning out of the business.

Now it is your turn to create your Celebrate and Separate list.

In Tool 10 from the 5 Keys to Successful Business Planning, we think through this exercise to help us draw the line in the sand. To clarify and identify where we are at and what will be our focus for the following year. Vision leaks, creeps and dilutes over the year and you therefore must set aside time to recast vision and reset any compromise or distractions that are taking you off course.

We have completed this exercise with over 200 companies and the difference that they have seen in their businesses has been phenomenal.

When was the last time you completed an exercise like this? I saw a t-shirt once whilst on a holiday in Thailand that read "same same, but different". Do you rollover a year with that mindset?

Are we really different because we write 2022 at the end of our emails and quotes instead of 2021? What have we actually done that will “produce a difference?”

Difference becomes a reality when we BEGIN > GROW > REDUCE > STOP

Begin something new and beneficial.

Grow into your new life and business by deliberate decisions consistently followed through.

Reduce anything that will encumber you, and

Stop doing anything that prohibits or takes you further away from your goals.

Here's a guide to get you on your way...


This is only a short Thursday Thoughts this week as it is now your turn to get on the “Business Exercise Bike” and get some fitness back in the body for your business in 2022.

Have fun and remember to book in for our online Business Workshop - Business by Design, which will be delivered live, online via Zoom over four consecutive Wednesday's in February. Click here for more information.

this is your year (2)


About Us

At PLANALIFE we help people navigate the integration of a Business and Life plan that will dovetail with marriage and family to help our clients find the very best from a balanced life.
To achieve this, we have one focus; to see the whole person arrive where they want to be by discovering how they can proactively plan their life.



Our Services

  • Business owner/manager Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Key Person Coaching
  • Proactive Life Planning
  • Seminars, on line training and webinars.
  • Strategic Planning days
  • Short Courses


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