Are you living your life now so your “legacy lives beyond your life”?

There are some who live much longer than they live. Their legacy still speaks to us long after they can speak with us. There are thoughts we have that we might attach to a familiar voice because the memory of this person is so impressionable to us, that we can’t help but feel like those thoughts are still alive in us today.

Throughout this week we have had our thoughts filled with both the mourning and memories of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ. As we remember and celebrate her life, as well as her wisdom, leadership and devotion, she will arguably be remembered as one of the greatest women to ever live.

Queen Elizabeth’s life has left a deep impression on me of what it means to be a quality leader. Most people become leaders over time, but Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ was born into a family where leadership was a right and responsibility of inheritance.

Now, this is not what made her a great leader, her birthright presented her with a very unique platform of influence from which to begin. The Queen's desire to lead well, her devotion to her people and commonwealth, her dedication to living a life of service and sacrifice, her courage to face adversity, her willingness to still be a leader in tough times and not stoop in strife and conflict, or change under pressure of circumstances, and her ability to inspire others is what made her stand as first amongst her peers.

Queen Elizabeth is still alive in the thoughts and hearts of many people and leaders because she bequeathed not just physical properties but ideologies, morals, ethics, beliefs, and qualities that have been admired by others and most are inspired to emulate.

True leadership happens in front of people, besides people, in people and through people. It is on display, to model and impresses, convict, challenge and caress.

True leadership walks the talk by living what is espoused and talks the walk by inspiration knowing this person will follow through. They are reliable, consistent, dependable and trustworthy. True leadership is not infallible and faultless but strives when mistakes are made to own mistakes, repair the damage and make amends to help all get back on track.

Leaders don’t always do what is popular, but they should do what is right. They don’t let the voices in their life control their choices in their life more than their convictions.

During her 70-year reign, our Queen carried the values of “Diplomacy and Democracy” like no other with humility and conviction as she stayed a constant through 15 Prime Ministers of all persuasions and ideologies, and added wisdom and strength to their leadership without prejudice and interference.

As we reflect on the life of Queen Elizabeth, we will all take a memory or story of how she lived her life with us. I hope we will take away the challenge to be better leaders inspired by her life. 

How do you rate yourself as a leader? How do you lead the ones you have the privilege to serve? 

For several years I had the privilege of leading teams into Sakhalin Island, a Russian province north of Japan. We worked with children in orphanages and encouraged them with self-efficacy, values, self-esteem, belief systems, planning for their future and learning how to lead themselves. Whilst returning from the first trip, I felt a conviction in my heart like a challenge that said, “the higher we climb the ladder of leadership, the greater the view there is of those we need to service”.

If we lead with a servant's heart and we lead for the benefit of all and not the prominence of self, our leadership will have followers, create impact and create a difference. 

If you seek greater influence in leadership and you desire to climb the ladder, remember to serve first, be ready to be inconvenienced and have a long vision, take your team on a journey with you, inspire others, be consistent, continue to learn, release others to become all they can be, and build an environment of trust, love and forgiveness. Say sorry when necessary, train your successor, and know when it is time to pass on your role into faithful hands. 

Not everyone is destined or designed for leadership, but we can all be our best at followship until our time to shine becomes apparent. 

Remember to Planalife you want to live in through a Business on Purpose, and lead the team you have to find all the very best potential possible. 

Have a great week, and I hope the memories of your great leaders who have inspired you to be the best leader you can sit in your mind like guiding principles. 

I would love to hear your thoughts and memories of our Queen and how she inspired you. I hope her successor leads with as much wisdom. 

Cheers Ian



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