Do you take time out to sit on your A.R.S.E – Part 2

Do you deliberately schedule into your days and weeks time to RECHARGE and Accumulate Rest, Strength and Energy?

This week's focus is on recharging and making time each week to deliberately and strategically rebuild the energy you need to produce the effort required from you.

How do you recharge?

As I mentioned last week, because I am more of a 'human doing' rather than a 'human being. I like activity. However it is very easy to have activity and accomplish nothing.

We have talked before about being BUSY (Buried Under Saying Yes) but busyness does not automatically equate to productivity.

There will be certain aspects of your life that if you neglect them you will not see an immediate dramatic effect, but if you continue to ignore an aspect of your life that needs attention you will soon have a cumulative problem.

If you're a diligent saver, you'll often have a goal to make a purchase without borrowing money, and therefore you are a principled person around the law of delayed gratification.

If however ,your mailbox is consistently filling with bills, you may find that instead of having more money left at the end of the month, you have more month left at the end of the money.

In that case, your saving for that month needs to be allocated towards the immediate responsibility, rather than the delayed purchase.

If you miss a month, it's probably going to be no big deal so long as you are sure to be back on track next month. If you have a valid reason you're fine, but if you make up an excuse - you are giving yourself permission to lie. If the excuse is perpetuated, then you will make more excuses and pretty soon your trajectory will no longer be congruent with your goals and objectives.

One month is not a big change. Six months though, is a total course change and will need some deliberate recalibration.

Going back to recharging...

Rest, exercise and replenishment can be missed for a couple of weeks or maybe a month, but if a new time schedule of busyness locks out your replenishment, rest and recovery time, soon exhaustion and diminished energy will ensue, and it will take greater effort to do your normal tasks.

Regularly planned, scheduled and strategic rest is needed by EVERYBODY. No one can survive long term without it.

I have met many business owners who are incredibly passionate about what they do and love their business and the role they get to play in it. However, I have also observed over time that passion leaks and creeps if they are not plugging into the battery charger for regular top ups.

Take a minute to consider your top 5 recharging interests, values or activities. Write them down if you can.

How often or frequent are these occurring in your life?

What are you going to proactively do now to reconnect with them for rest, refreshing or replenishing in your life this week?

Remember: Something Changes When Something Changes. What is the first something, you need to change to Planalife you want to live in and include a genuine time to RECHARGE?

Yes, I have heard all the excuses, reasons, objections and clichés about rest and recharging, but I have watched the people who practice REST [not laziness] and make time to recharge and I admire in them a quality of life and longevity which is admirable. Like many business owners, I don’t stop and rest well, but one of my major goals for life is to deliberately REST and make sure I RECHARGE.

Don’t forget to register for our online Hello Marketing workshop on Friday 27th May from 9am - 12.30pm, and also our “How Can Your Relationship Survive Your Business?” in-person workshop which will be held at our home in Bolton Point from 7-9pm on Monday 30th May.




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At PLANALIFE we help people navigate the integration of a Business and Life plan that will dovetail with marriage and family to help our clients find the very best from a balanced life.
To achieve this, we have one focus; to see the whole person arrive where they want to be by discovering how they can proactively plan their life.



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