Your behavioural traits and emotional intelligence
In last week's Thursday's Thoughts, I talked about some of the benefits of behavioural analytics. When we truly understand ourselves, we can take purposeful steps towards really understanding others.
In part two today, we are going to look at questions 3,4,5.
- Do you know why you do what you do?
- Do you know why you have certain habits and where and how they were formed?
- Do you understand why you have certain behavioural traits?
- Do you know what it is that motivates you and why some things are difficult, and other things you love doing?
- Do you understand and know your level of EQ (Emotional Intelligence)?
- Do you know your learning style? Are Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic?
- Do you know why you act the way you do in conflict or when you are being disciplined? Do you know what causes you stress and how to manage stress?
- Do you know your personality type?
- Do you know your internal driving forces?
- Can your regulate yourself and adjust to the conditions to still have peace regardless of the circumstances?
In every part of life and business our communication and connection to others is improved by behavioural analytics. The traits we have that form gaps, barriers and drains in relationships erode by a greater understanding of the roots and fruits of our true self.
3. Do you understand why you have certain behavioural traits?
We use a behavioural tool called DISC to discover aspects of your behaviour. We can DISCover together:
- how you respond to problems and challenges
- how you try to influence other people to your point of view
- how you respond to the pace of your environment, and
- how compliant you are to rules and regulations that have be set by other people.
We also work through 12 aspects of your behavioral hierarchy, how you communicate with others and how you prefer to be communicated with.
We discover how much stress you feel to change from who you are naturally to the adopted style you believe your workplace requires from you. Our behaviour is innate and unlikely to change across our lives, so it is extremely important to understand who we are and learn how to accept this so we can best contribute to the world around us without guilt, or feeling like we don’t measure up.
You are you, and we all need who you are!
4. Do you know what it is that motivates you and why some things are difficult and other things you love doing?
When we are analysing our motivation, we begin to understand our passion and driving forces. We also begin to understand if we have a pull in one direction it will often have an expense in another direction. We will never be passionate about everything but we will be passionate about something. An old proverb states “one person's trash is another person's treasure.”
What it is that gets your focus gets your life, and you are far more likely to focus on something attractive, interesting, synergistic, congruent, and aligned with who you are. Diversity is the greatest ingredient of unity when it is appreciated. Sameness leads to lack. Learning how to augment your assets in motivation and passion means you will not only raise your life higher, you will draw others up with you. I see this in passionate business owners and know in my knower, “When the tide rises, all the ships rise”.
5. Do you understand and know your level of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?
Emotional Intelligence is a key factor in our integration with others and our sustainability in leadership. Unlike behaviour and motivation, EQ can be transient depending on your environment when you are immature but will grow and develop in strength the more you are exposed to trials and tests. In your trials and tests, EQ strengthens if you become more resilient, consistent, reliable, balanced, dependable, sound, strong, compassionate, forgiving and focused but flexible.
EQ is assessed around awareness of others and awareness of self and traits you have and how they impact others. EQ also allows you to have insight into your motivation and attitude towards your current responsibilities and how you are staying engaged with your life and lifting others. Your current measurement of EQ will reveal the ability you have to regulate yourself and emotional responses to others. Your level of EQ will be dynamic across your life depending on life events and levels of trauma, euphoria, engagement, discouragement, acceptance, rejection and many other factors.
Next week we will be looking further down our list and helping you discover you.
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At PLANALIFE we help people navigate the integration of a Business and Life plan that will dovetail with marriage and family to help our clients find the very best from a balanced life.
To achieve this, we have one focus; to see the whole person arrive where they want to be by discovering how they can proactively plan their life.
Our Services
- Business owner/manager Coaching
- Executive Coaching
- Key Person Coaching
- Proactive Life Planning
- Seminars, on line training and webinars.
- Strategic Planning days
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