Are you looking for a breakthrough in 2022?

We are currently preparing for our next BOP workshop: Business Breakthrough in 2022.

The online workshop runs from 7-9pm each Wednesday night in July and the format is as follows:

6th July (Week 1) - Strategic Intention

13th July (Week 2) - Financial Foundations

20th July (Week 3) - The Marketing Side

27th July (Week 4) - Build People, Grow team, Enhance Culture

Tickets are available online here.

All our sessions are recorded so if you miss one for whatever reason, it is easy to catch up.

What's the purpose of a BOP workshop and why will the workshop be critical to your success for the year?

Vision leaks and vision creeps.

Every year we need to do not only a stocktake of the stock in our business but a stocktake of our stoke in the business. Are we still stoked about being in business or do we need to be restoked? Has the fire and passion dwindled or even gone out? Effort is so much harder when there is no inspiration.

How can you re-inspire yourself? 

Deliberately reinvigorating yourself is what our workshop is all about. If you are feeling run down from the current year with restrictions, lockdown, sickness, staff shortages, change of government and generally just feeling blah, this is an opportunity to let go and reset. It is a tune-up from the neck up. It is giving you some tools to help plan and execute your dream and not accidentally walk into a nightmare.

I was sharing with a client today the word OPPORTUNITY has a route in naval terminology. The word is a combination of having “Open Ports To Me”.

When ships would sail the Mediterranean Sea, there was nothing but wind to drive them into harbours. If there was too much wind, the conditions would not be favourable for them to enter that port. So it was a closed port to them.

What opportunities are open to you in this next financial year?

Look for the following four things our ancient mariners desired to know that found success in trading.

Favourable Conditions

Favourable conditions provide access. You can make an entrance into that space. You can approach the harbour and know where you are going. How can you create favourable conditions? Do you need a referral or a map? How can you intuitively observe and be ready to respond to your opportunities? So often, success will be the intersection of opportunity and preparation.

Receptive Conditions

You have what people need and want and they are desiring your products and services. You are attractive, appealing, engaging, interesting, educating, valuable, well-stocked, well-skilled and can provide quality, reliability and consistency.

Relational Conditions

You are able to build rapport and establish solid, reliable, trustworthy relationships with character, competence and consistency. You are not after a fast buck. You are there for the long term. You want repeat business and to establish relationships. You are not a fly-by-night business.

Future Growth

There will be a NOW relationship and a FUTURE relationship. Long-term trading partnerships with security of supply to match demand with quality control and quality support. You leave an encounter with future orders, not just an empty ship. You take a chart of how to enter that harbour/port again and navigate safely all your return trips. You want continued planning and fruitful future for reciprocating benefits.

Over the 4 weeks of our Breakthrough 2022 BOP WORKSHOP,  you will have many a-ha moments and be inspired regardless of current circumstances and conditions, to get back in tune and on track. You will find your enthusiasm again.

Book early, be ready to “Planalife you want to live in through a Business on Purpose”.

Click here to register today and make a commitment to yourself to have your breakthrough in 2022!



About Us

At PLANALIFE we help people navigate the integration of a Business and Life plan that will dovetail with marriage and family to help our clients find the very best from a balanced life.
To achieve this, we have one focus; to see the whole person arrive where they want to be by discovering how they can proactively plan their life.



Our Services

  • Business owner/manager Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Key Person Coaching
  • Proactive Life Planning
  • Seminars, on line training and webinars.
  • Strategic Planning days
  • Short Courses


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