Are you looking for a Breakthrough in 2022? Part 3

“Nothing we do will ever change our past. 

Everything we do will shape our future.” 

Regret and guilt are terrible masters for a lot of people. However regret, like guilt, has one purpose; and this is for us to acknowledge that something we chose to do has adversely impacted another person, and we need to make better choices moving forward.

Most often, for normal emotionally healthy people,  we don’t set out to hurt others. We might act selfishly or even be pushy to try to move our agenda forward because we believe if we follow our ideas we will all achieve a better outcome.

But we don’t set out to hurt others. There are some rare cases of narcissists. They are the person who has an excessive interest in themselves and thinks the world revolves around them. When you are talking with them, or should I say listening to them, they might say “Well that's enough of me talking about me, how about you talk about me for a while”. While narcissists exist, they are rare and most people accidentally offend you or hurt you.

By and large, most people care in some way or another for those around them. Most people desire a level of good for others and most people want to live free, contribute to the betterment of someone else, enjoy their life and be valuable in their roles no matter what they are.

However, most people live ignorant of their full potential, accidentally or only spontaneously planning their future but not living life to its full capacity.

The future we embrace is directly connected to the vision we have and how we want to live in it.  What makes things probable from what is possible is our perceived ability to make this vision become a reality. A transformed life is not when you have a vision or goal for your life it is when the vision or goal has you! Your vision becomes your passion and you can't stop thinking about it. You are constantly marinating it to give it a fuller flavour. You can’t wait to find yourself in a place where this vision has become reality.

The first few attempts may be a bumpy ride and often do not deliver the success we are after but I still believe there is no failure in a courageous heart. You either find success at this attempt or you learn and the next attempt is more fruitful. Two chains that will hold you to the past are regret and guilt. Learning from discouragement, disappointment and distraction is important, but then challenging what you have learnt and heading in a purposeful direction is where the magic happens.

Expectations of ourselves and others are often broken before they are spoken. We often don’t know what to expect until an event happens and then we can define it as something we did not expect!

Planning a life we want to live in through a Business On Purpose in an intentional act believing for an intentional outcome.

Ask yourself 3 things:

  1. Do I know what I want from my life?
  2. What it will mean to have lived my life well?
  3. Am I living congruent to my potential?

If there is still a feeling inside you that you there must be an answer to the issue I am facing, but you don’t know what it is or how to figure it out, you might say you are stuck in a rut.

The difference between a rut and a grave is two feet. Get your two feet out of the rut and back on solid ground. Place those two feet in the direction you want to travel. Now is the time, it's not too soon. If we keep saying, “Soon I will change, soon I will deal with it, soon I will look into this”, you are allowing the issue to become greater and have a deeper impact than it should.

Attending our workshop is not going to change everything in your life, but it is going to change something! Over the four weeks, you will discover so much about yourself, your business and the change point you are currently facing. These things need to be discovered and implemented to make your 2022-23 financial year your best yet.

I hope you can join us and begin the journey to “Planalife you want to live in through a Business On Purpose”

Business Breakthrough in 2022 - BOP Workshop

The workshop runs online from 7-9 pm each Wednesday night.

July 6th - Week 1 - Strategic Intention

July 13th - Week 2 - Financial Foundations

July 20th - Week 3 - The Marketing Side

July 27th - Week 4 - Build people, Grow team, Enhance Culture

Tickets are available online  - click here to register

On the path


About Us

At PLANALIFE we help people navigate the integration of a Business and Life plan that will dovetail with marriage and family to help our clients find the very best from a balanced life.
To achieve this, we have one focus; to see the whole person arrive where they want to be by discovering how they can proactively plan their life.



Our Services

  • Business owner/manager Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Key Person Coaching
  • Proactive Life Planning
  • Seminars, on line training and webinars.
  • Strategic Planning days
  • Short Courses


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