Happy New Finacial Year!

Will this financial year be more of the Same? Will you make this one Significant? Or have you been working towards Sensational? 

Several years ago I travelled through Koh Samui in Thailand and the catch cry from many of the retailers was “Same Same but different”. There was nothing different except I was in a new shop! The merchandise was the same, the range of offerings was the same, the price was the same, the only thing different was the enthusiasm of the person trying to convert me into a customer to make my purchase from them!

As we approach our new financial year preparation is essential to PLAN. 

P - Project yourself into the desired future

L - Lead yourself and others strategically

A - Action is always better than reaction

N - Never miss your opportunities

Our plan lets us project an outcome for this financial year. If we don’t have some type of plan for this year we will ATROPHY - that is the action of inaction. 

So let's look at what you could do for this financial year.


Last year you may have had a huge year. Many of our clients have. It may be one of your best yet!  Consolidation is not atrophy. Consolidation is what we need after we have had some expansion years. After we have seen a lot of change and difference and we need to “bed-in” our systems, procedures, policies and processes. It is creating security and strength back into a business. It is securing readiness again from within to grow again maybe next year. If however, Same for you means familiar, boring, below par or potential, and is just going through the motions then it might be time for you this year to move towards something significant. 


A significant growth year is a year when you start to truly analyse your business. Look for where you have your Gaps, Barriers and Drains. Where do you see Problems exist, Potential that can be explored and Profit that can be increased. 

Employing the 4 x I’s and the 5 x A’s

The 4x I’s are:

What do we need to Investigate?

What do we need to Improve?

What will we need to Innovate?

Now, what are we going to Initiate? Over what quarter will we bring our changes into play?

The 5x A’s of Effective Goal Setting
Answers, Adjustments, Ambitions, Achievements, and Aspirations.

What are the ANSWERS we are looking for this year?

What ADJUSTMENTS do we need to make in how we do what we do?

What are the AMBITIONS we have for this current financial year? 

What are some Significant ACHIEVEMENTS we are aiming for this year? 

What is a Business ASPIRATION we have we can move forward on this year? 

Designing a SIGNIFICANT year for your goals for this financial year is putting a challenge to yourself to move out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. There will be some deconstructing before reconstructing. You have to be up for it as it is a “Ready to work ON and IN the business year.” You will never regret these years. They are not easy but they are essential. The Business On Purpose Profit Assessment Tool is invaluable as a tool to help examine your business every year but during a Significant Year, it is particularly important as you plan a Significant year. 


It is highly unlikely you will have a sensational year ahead unless you have a significant year first. To be able to retain all the benefits from a “Sensational Year”,  one must first prepare for the growth and be ready to build on this foundation. The foundation laid in a Significant year sets up your Sensational year. 

Sensational years are fun, exciting, powerful, and can be exhausting. You first discover some of the true potential you had always hoped for from your business. You may feel like you finally know what you are doing! However what you will find from your “Sensational years'' are that “the higher you climb the ladder of success, the great the view is of those you need to serve”.  Success takes us to a place where we have a whole new layer of different and more complicated problems to face and solve. Success is not a destination but more a journey of maturity and discovery. Sensational seasons or years will often lead us to a need to have the Same year again but this time it will be to consolidate. 

So what type of year are you facing for this financial year? Same, Significant or Sensational? 

Coaching will help you in every season. If you “Planalife you want to live in through a Business On Purpose”, your business will start to bring the rewards you are looking for. 

If you just let this year just slip by, you will have begun a cycle of Atrophy - the action of inaction. This should never happen. You will lose so much more than you realise, momentum included.

If you would like to have a trusted third party take a look at your business with you, I would love to have a conversation together. I will send you a list of 7 questions for you to consider and we will make an appointment together. The first appointment is free and to help you consider what it means for you to have a Business On Purpose!

I look forward to sharing it with you soon. I hope you have an amazing year ahead and it becomes all you dreamed it would be. 

Cheers Ian

light bulb plan


About Us

At PLANALIFE we help people navigate the integration of a Business and Life plan that will dovetail with marriage and family to help our clients find the very best from a balanced life.
To achieve this, we have one focus; to see the whole person arrive where they want to be by discovering how they can proactively plan their life.



Our Services

  • Business owner/manager Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Key Person Coaching
  • Proactive Life Planning
  • Seminars, on line training and webinars.
  • Strategic Planning days
  • Short Courses


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